I had a package of Betty Crocker GF Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix on the counter waiting for me to "find the time" to make them. I guess I finally found the time.
The recipe said that the dough would be crumbly. They were right, but I wasn't too concerned because one of my husband's favorite (not gluten-free) cookie recipes made a dough that looked a lot like this.
Once you press it together with a spoon it looks more like normal dough.
They cooked up beautifully and tasted great.
My major mishap of the night was while I was getting the ingredients together for the pot roast sauce. I let the pan I was heating to sear the meat in get too hot. When I put the meat in, the hot oil splattered everywhere. It landed on the hot burner I had just moved the pan off of making an impressive 6 inch burst of flames. As well as on my wrist, burning it.
Overall it was a delicious meal.